Monday, August 15, 2011

nothing i cant handle

something i keep telling myself.
a late friend said to me
i am quiet about the things i care about
and i said to him
it is because i care that i speak nothing of
it confused him as would it to people who read this
it is because i fully acknowledge them that i dont tell
why knit pick if you accept them?
why do so if you love them?
and as cliche as this sounds, nothing is perfect.
that is why we bare the pain that come along with loving a person.
we dare not think of losing them
because in our hearts it is not an option.
we love and we create a bubble for them
containing who they are... as they are
that is how we love them.

on the other hand never let love become a burden as then we only focus on the distressings and that overtakes the love we have.
so at times you just have to say to yourself its nothing you cant handle..
truth hurts but that is how it works